
  me identifico con este comentario ya que a veces estoy consiente de lo que soy capaz pero no se como explotarlo, y tengo miedo de no elegir la carrera que me guyste y que de eso dependa mi futuro

Playing with HTML

  Sep 30 2.1.1. Playing with html HTML Styling Basics: Key Commands When creating a blog or any online content, proper formatting helps your text stand out and ensures important information is emphasized. Below are some HTML tags that can help with text formatting: Bold Text ( <strong> ): This tag is used to highlight important information in a bold style. It is typically used to emphasize key parts of a sentence. Example: html Copiar código <strong>This is important!</strong> Result: This is important! Italic Text ( <em> ): Italic text is often used for emphasis or to denote captions. It helps highlight secondary information in a visually distinctive way. Example: html Copiar código <em>This is emphasized text.</em> Result: This is emphasized text. Highlighted Text ( <mark> ): The <mark> tag is used to highlight text with a yellow background to draw attention to it. Example: html Copiar código <mark>Important note</mark...
  <iframe src="https://publish.animatron.io/e456fc6560f051539f526016?w=640&h=360&a=1&r=0&c=0" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0"></iframe> Add Title - Animatron
  <iframe src="https://publish.animatron.io/cd52fc653a8ec53f404c82b8?w=640&h=360&a=1&r=0&c=0" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0"></iframe>


 equipo: rebeca mariana valentina tommy

2.1.9. My first animation

"Add Title" by Mariana Abitia (animatron.io) "Add Title" by Mariana Abitia (animatron.io)

(Feb 29) 2.1.8. Adding animation to a blog

  Adding Old Movie Animation. Adding Old Movie Animation. Adding snow fall animation effect Tattoo Art Effect Cloud animation gloovy color Floating hearts blood rain drops  scary movie